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Why the Green New Deal is a Bad Deal
for America! 


The Green New Deal utilizes a propaganda technique called Appeal to Fear. It advances the notion that the U. S.  must initiate a massive and urgent State-run program that would control the climate by reducing the use of carbon-based fuels. It would simultaneously improve the lot of the poor and middle class. In truth, this proposed program would be a complete waste of human and natural resources. The entire concept is based on the false premises that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant, CO2 emissions are bad, that the increasing rate of CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels is causing the global temperature to rise which will lead to adverse climate change, and that reducing fossil fuel use is an immediate necessity to protect the natural environment from most human actions.  None of the premises are true but an entire political party has been co-opted by the ‘old’ glamour of young, naïve want-to-be Marxists who have seized on this invalid concept, The New Green Deal, to disguise a push for complete State control in all matters. The Party establishment has caved and now Democratic Socialism is a primary plank in the Party’s progressive political platform.

This book is intended to address the future role of carbon-based fuels in a rational manner and without a hidden political or ideological agenda. It is agreed that the supply of fossil fuels is finite and the natural environment is affected by its continued use.  Most of the effects are beneficial for both humans and the environment. But some are not. However, there is enough time to plan for a transition to cleaner energy without massive government intervention in the form of the control of production and the private sector. That type of government intervention is by definition-- Socialism. It has never been successful.

This is a serious matter. One that must be considered in a clear-eyed and non-ideological way. This is not a liberal arts matter, it must be considered pragmatically, with constructive thought and action. And the first practical thought is to recognize that we have plenty of time to gather the data and get it right, the American Way, not the Democratic Socialists Green New Deal way.

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